Permanent researchers:
- Luz M. García García, PhD in Applied Mathematics (Investigadora Científica OPIs, physical and biogeochemical modelling) ORCID: 0000-0002-1662-0277 (group coordinator since March 2022)
- Antonio Bode Riestra, PhD in Biology (Profesor de Investigación OPIs, plankton ecology, stable isotopes) ORCID: 0000-0002-9535-2548
- Manuel Ruíz Villarreal, PhD in Physics (Profesor de Investigación OPIs, ocean circulation and modeling) ORCID: 0000-0003-0169-0958
- Mar Nieto Cid, PhD in Chemistry (Investigadora Científica OPIs, biogeochemistry, dissolved organic matter) ORCID: 0000-0001-7614-4076
- Marta M. Varela Rozados, PhD in Biology ( Investigadora Científica OPIs, plankton functional diversity, microbial plankton ecology) ORCID: 0000-0002-4412-4449
- Mª de los Ángeles Louro Pico, BSc in Biology (Tecnico Superior Especialista I+D+i, N. 24, zooplankton diversity) ORCID: 0000-0003-3581-9166
- Gonzalo González-Nuevo González, PhD in Biology (Técnico Superior Especialista I+D+i, N. 24) ORCID: 0000-0002-7578-0756
- Ignacio Fraga Cadórniga, PhD in Civil Engineering (Técnico Superior Especialista I+D+i, N. 24) ORCID: 0000-0001-5626-7781
Temporal researchers:
Inés Viana González, PhD in Biology (post-doctoral researcher, Juan de la Cierva Incorporación Program [2021-2024] and project CAPTA [2024-2026], stable isotopes, macrophyte physiology, blue carbon) [2021-2023]
- Tamara Rodríguez Ramos (PhD in Marine Sciences, post-doctoral researcher funded by projects iFADO [2020-2023] and Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia, Plan Complementario de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, contract M3 [2023-2025], plankton ecology)
- Airam Sarmiento Lezcano, PhD in Marine Sciences (post-doctoral researcher funded by Programa de apoyo a la estapa de formación posdoctoral 2024 GAIN de la Xunta de Galicia, food webs, ecosystem processes, micronekton) [2024-2030]
- Rita García Seoane, PhD in Biology (post-doctoral researcher funded by Juan de la Cierva Formación Program, [2021-2023] and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship - Global Fellowship [2024-2027], stable isotopes, food webs)
Past permanent researchers:
- Manuel Varela Rodríguez, PhD in Biology (phytoplankton ecology, retired in 2014)
- Mª Jesús Campos Lóriz, Graduate in Biology (Investigadora A2, ciliate diversity, retired in 2015)
- Mª Teresa Álvarez-Ossorio Costa, Graduate in Biology (Investigadora A2, zooplankton diversity) (retired in May 2017)
- Marta Álvarez Rodríguez, PhD in Marine Sciences (Investigadora Científica OPIs, biogeochemistry, carbon cycle) (until December 2021)
- Luis Valdés Santurio, PhD in Biology (Profesor de Investigación OPIs, zooplankton ecology, observational time-series) (until December 2023)
Past temporal researchers (last 5 years):
- Mercedes de la Paz Arándiga, PhD in Marine Science (post-doctoral researcher, contract period 2017-2020, biogeochemistry, nitrous oxide and methane cycling)
- Noelia M. Fajar González (post-doctoral researcher funded by Juan de la Cierva - Formación program of the Plan Estatal de I+D+i [2017-2019], and by project GRC-EPB [2021], biogeochemistry, carbon cycling)
- Martinho Marta Almeida, PhD in Marine Science (post-doctoral researcher, funded by project iFADO [2021-2023] operational oceanography, ecological models)
- Rita García Seoane, PhD in Biology (post-doctoral researcher funded by Juan de la Cierva - Formación program of the Plan Estatal de I+D+i, [2021-2023], food web ecology)
- Pilar Díaz Tapia, PhD in Biology (post-doctoral researcher funded by Senior Program, Xunta de Galicia, [2019-2022] and by Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia, Plan Complementario de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia. contract M3 [2023], plankton diversity, genomics)
Research assistants (permanent):
- Jose Ángel Fernández Lamas (Especialista I+D+i, N. 20)
- David Marcote Canosa (Especialista I+D+i, N. 20)
- Joaquín Valencia Vila (Colaborador I+D+i, N. 20)
- Concepción Fernández Pena (Ayudante Técnico, N. 18)
- Mª Elena Rey Martínez (Ayudante de Investigación I+D+i, N. 16)
- Manuel Vázquez Brañas (Ayudante de Investigación I+D+i, N. 16)
- Carlota Rodríguez García (Técnico Superior de Actividades Técnicas y Profesionales)
- Javier A. González Dequidt (Ayudante de Investigación I+D+i, N. 16, until 2021)
- José Antonio Varela Romay (Auxiliar de Investigación I+D+i, N. 14, until December 2020)
- Mónica Castaño Carrera (Técnico Especializado OPIs, Colaboradora I+D+i, N. 20) (until March 2023)
Research assistants (temporal, last 5 years):
- Tamara Rodríguez Ramos (PhD in Marine Sciences, Personal Técnico de Apoyo - program of the Plan Estatal de I+D+i, [2017-2020])
- Elisa Fernández Guallart (PhD in Oceanography, Personal Técnico de Apoyo - program of the Plan Estatal de I+D+i, [2018-2021])
- Lucía Vázquez Calvo (Plan de Empleo Juvenil - program of the Plan Nacional de I+D+i [2019-2021] and project GRC-EPB [2022-2023])
- Rodrigo Alba Salgueiro (Plan de Empleo Juvenil - program of the Plan Nacional de I+D+i [2019-2021], and Personal Técnico de Apoyo - program of the Plan Estatal de I+D+i [2023-2025])
- Rubén Acerbi Amigo (Plan de Empleo Juvenil - program of the Plan Estatal de I+D+i, [2019-2021])
- Cessna Pamela Orta-Ponce, (Programa de ayuda a la contratación de tecnólogos Principia (GAIN, Xunta de Galicia, [2021-2023])
- Alba Visos Míguez (Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia, Contract M1 [2023-2025])
- Adrián Sanjurjo García (Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia, Contract M3 [2023-2025])
- Erik Delgadillo Nuño (Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia, Contract M3 [2024-2025])
- Daniel Rodríguez Abad (Project DATAMARE, Contract M3 [2023-2025])
- Sofía González Pérez (Project DEMON [2024-2026])