Communications in scientific meetings


  • Blanco A, Beger M, Weidberg N, Barreiro A, Viana IG, Franco J, Lemos M, Planes S, Olabarria C (2023) Marine protection effects on stable isotope composition of low trophic guilds within an upwelling system. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting 2023, Palma de Mallorca, Spain 4-9 June 2023, Poster
  • Díaz-Tapia P, Verbruggen H (2023) Phylogenomic analyses reveal a new introduced species in Europe: Lophurella stichidiosa comb. nov. (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta). 8th European Phycological Congress, Brest (France), 20-26 August. Oral presentation.
  • García-García LM, Ruiz-Villarreal M, González-Nuevo González G, Sampedro-Pastor P, Otero J (2023) Filling knowledge gaps with Lagrangian IBMs: aspects to be considered. ICES Annual Science Conference, Bilbao 11-14 September 2023. Oral presentation
  • García-Seoane R, Viana IG, Louro MA, Bode A (2023) Depicting the influence of seasonal upwelling on zooplankton trophic dynamics by compound specific isotope analysis. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting 2023, Palma de Mallorca, Spain 4-9 June 2023, Oral presentation # 6869
  • Maggs CA, Guiry MDG, Hughey JR, Díaz-Tapia P (2023) NGS reveals heteromorphic life history of the red alga Nemastoma dichotomum. 8th European Phycological Congress, Brest (France), 20-26 August. Oral presentation.
  • Marta-Almeida M, Ruiz Villarreal M (2023) Future conditions of the Iberian Coastal Region: upwelling and freshwater on the shelf. CLIVAR 2023: Towards and Integrated View of Climate, Madrid, Spain. 23-26 January 2023. Oral presentation
  • Otero J, Bode A, Louro MA, Ruiz-Villarreal M (2023) Multiple roles of oceanography in a coastal upwelling ecosystem: from plankton abundance and community properties to fish dynamics ICES Annual Science Conference, Bilbao 11-14 September 2023. Oral presentation
  • Pacin C, García-Seoane R, Fernández JA, Varela Z, Viana IG, Real C, Villares R, Vázquez-Arias A, Komárek M, Chrastný V, Šípková A, Aboal JR (2023) Global and regional decrease in metal concentrations in brown algae. SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, Dublin (Ireland), 30 April -  4 May 2023. Oral presentation
  • Petitguyot MAC, Bode A, Hernández-González A, López A, Saavedra C, García Seoane R, Viana I, Covelo P, Martínez-Cedeira J, Pierce GJ (2023) Long-term changes in the trophic position of dolphins in waters of Galicia (Northwest of Spain) 34th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, O Grove (Spain), 18-20 April 2023. Poster
  • Rodríguez-Ramos T, González-Nuevo G, Tel E, Ruiz-Villarreal M, Valeiras X (2023) Fisheries Observing Systems: low cost-effective devices used for monitoring pelagic habitats in the Iberian Atlantic shelf and slope. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting 2023, Palma de Mallorca, Spain 4-9 June 2023, Oral presentation
  • Rodríguez-Ramos T, Tracana A, Brotas V, Oliveira PB, Angélico MM, Bode A, Hartman S, Groom S, Fernández-Lamas Á, González-Nuevo G, Campuzano F, Ruiz-Villarreal M (2023) Demonstration of a transnational cooperation for harmonized chlorophyll a monitoring in the North East Atlantic Ocean. EUROGOOS 2023, Galway, Ireland 3-5 October 2023
  • Ruiz-Villarreal M, García-García LM, González-Nuevo G, Riveiro I, Cerviño S, Pennino G, Otero J, Sampedro P (2023) Can biophysical models of small pelagic fish be used for fish stock management? An example of the European Iberian sardine. EuroGOOS 2023.  Galway, Ireland. 3-5 October 2023. Oral
  • Ruiz-Villarreal M,  González-Nuevo G, Marcote D, Bode A, García-García LM, González-Pola C (2023) Variabilidad climática y el ecosistema pelágico en la plataforma ibérica atlántica. CLIVAR 2023: Towards and Integrated View of Climate, Madrid, Spain. 23-26 January 2023. Oral presentation
  • Sampedro P, González-Nuevo G, Riveiro I, García-García L, Otero J, Cerviño S, Pennino MG, Ruiz-Villarreal M (2023) Towards end-to-end (E2E) models in Spanish fisheries: Phys2Fish and Demon projects.  ICES Annual Science Conference, Bilbao 11-14 September 2023. Poster


  • Barber-Lluch E, Santos-Echeandía J, Nieto-Cid M, Sánchez-Marín P (2022) Effect of dissolved organic matter on copper bioavailability to a coastal dinoflagellate. Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina (SIQUIMAR), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 4-8 July 2022.
  • Bode A (2022) Untangling the role of diversity in complex marine food webs: Recent developments using stable isotopes The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Diversity: Animals, Plants and Microbes (IECD 2022). 24 March 2022. MDPI, electronic Live Session 2. Invited presentation.
  • Bode A (2022) Plankton in the new millennium: synchronic multidecadal trends and regime shifts. Symposium on Decadal Variability of the North Atlantic and its Marine Ecosystems: 2010-2019. International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES), Bergen, Norway. 20-22 June 2022. Keynote lecture.
  • Carbonell A, Png-Gonzalez L, Falcón JM, Comas-González R, Follana G, Cefali ME, Calvo-Manazza M, Díaz-Tapia P, Rueda JL, Mateo-Ramírez Á, Urra J, Velasco EM, Carbonell A, Arroyo NL, Ríos P, Valls-Mir M, Guijarro B, Esteban-Acón A, García-Ruiz C, Díaz D, Real E, Vázquez-Luis M, Ruiz-Fernández JM, González-Porto M, Tello-Antón MO, Bruque-Carmona G, Mata-Chacón D, Cabezuelo-Hernández A, Agudo-Bravo LM, Ramos A, Ros M, Monterroso O, Zurita MN, Herrera R, Casasnovas R, Racionero C, De la Rosa J, Vivas MS, Serradilla J, Gofas S, López García E, Ballesteros-Fernández E, Bárbara I, Bañón R, Altamirano M, Izquierdo-Muñoz A, Nash FT, Arias A, Britó A, García- Raso E, Sánchez-Conde FJ (2022) Database of spatial distribution of non indigenous species in Spanish marine waters 22nd International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Oostende, Belgium. 18-22 April 2022.
  • Díaz-Tapia P, Verbruggen H (2022) Phylogenetic analyses reveal a new old introduced red algal species in Europe 22nd International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Specie. Oostende, Belgium. 18-22 April.
  • García-García LM, Sanjurjo García A, Ruiz-Villarreal M (2022) Uncertainties derived from the hydrodynamic forcing of a Lagrangian IBM for the Iberian Atlantic sardine. International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish. Lisboa, Portugal. 7-11 November 2022.
  • Garcia-Seoane R, Viana IG, Bode A (2022) Quantification of mixed contributions of primary producers from amino acid δ15N of marine consumers: a Bayesian approach. 12th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies, Gaming, Austria, 6-10 June 2022. Oral presentation.
  • Miller R, van der Lingen C, Brodeur R, Bertrand A, Espinoza P, Alegre A, Navarro J, Verdugo J, Bode A, Schwamborn R, Giarrizzo T, Kreiner A, Takasuka A (2022) A global stable isotope-based trophic level comparison of small pelagic fish and other nekton across ecosystems with varying levels of productivity International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. ICES-PICES-FAO, Lisboa, Portugal. 7-11 November. S1 Oral 15514
  • Pardo PC, Castro CG, Taboada J, Lago Md, Almeida Costa A, Montero P, Allen-Perkins S, Almécija C, Álvares MT, Ayensa G, Baptista P, Bastos L, Bernabeu AM, Bernardes C, Bio A, Bode A, Carracedo P, Coelho C, Doval MD, Dubert J, Fernandez Bastero SF, Fernández-Fernández S, Gayoso A, Macho-Eiras ML, Magalhães CM, Mohamed KJ, Mota-Lopes A, Oliveira L, Piedracoba S, Pinho J, Pinto JP, Ruiz-Villarreal M, Santos AMP, Silva A, Rocha A, Silva PA, Torres-López S (2022) A window to the sea: environmental indicators for coastal risk management under the RAIA observatory (NW-Iberian peninsula) ECSA 59 Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas, San Sebastian, Spain. 5-8 September 2022
  • Orta-Ponce CP, Díaz-Tapia P, Nieto-Cid M, Varela MM (2022) Seasonal niche of planktonic prokaryotes inhabiting surface waters of the upwelling region off NW Iberia. I Encuentro de la Sociedad Ibérica de Ecología (SIBECOL) y XXI congreso de la Asociación Ibérica de Limnología (AIL). Aveiro, Portugal. 3-8 July 2022. Oral presentation
  • Rodríguez F, Nogueira E, Bravo I, Díaz-Tapia P, Varela MM, Ben-Gigirey B, Figueroa RI, Garrido JL, Ramilo-Rivero MI, Lluch-Fernández MN, Rossignoli A, Riobó P (2022) Bloom dynamics of an exceptional red tide of the toxigenic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum. 19th International Conference on Harmful Algae, La Paz, Mexico. 10- 15 October 2022
  • Ruiz-Villarreal M (2022) Variabilidad climática y el ecosistema pelágico en la plataforma ibérica atlántica. 12 Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología (AEC). Santiago de Compostela. 19-21 October. Invited lecture
  • Ruiz-Villarreal M, García-García LM, González-Nuevo G, Marta-Almeida M, Otero J, Bode A (2022) The W and N Iberian pelagic ecosystem in spring assessed with Pelacus surveys: environmental variability and spatio-temporal changes in food web structure and ecosystem functioning, International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish. Lisboa, Portugal. 7-11 November 2022.
  • Ruiz-Villarreal M, García-García L, González-Nuevo G, Rodríguez F, Reguera B (2022) Early warning forecasts of harmful Dinophysis blooms in Galicia (NW Spain). Global HAB Workshop: Modeling and Prediction of Harmful Algal Blooms. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 9-13 May 2022.
  • Varela MM, Vila-Costa M, Rodríguez-Ramos T, Díaz-Tapia P, Orta-Ponce CP, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Osterholz H, Dittmar T, Nieto-Cid M (2022) Molecular characterization of dissolved organic matter linked to microbial (Bacteria and Archaea) diversity in the main water masses of the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean II Encuentro de la Sociedad Ibérica de Ecología (SIBECOL) y XXI congreso de la Asociación Ibérica de Limnología (AIL). Aveiro, Portugal. 2-8 July 2022.
  • Viana IG, García-Seoane R, Bode A (2022) Importance of microbial loop contributions to the estimation of the trophic position of pelagic consumers through CSIA-AA lens. 12th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies. Gaming, Austria, 6-10 June 2022. Oral presentation.


  • Álvarez M, Guallart EF, Acerbi R, Fajar NM, Vázquez L, Castaño M, Hassoun AER (2021) Ocean acidification at the crossroads: approaching unpurified and purified m-cresol spectrophotometric pH measurements. 13-17 September 2021, GOA-ON Ocean Acidification week, on line event, MedSea Hub. Oral presentation
  • Bode A, Olivar MP, López-Pérez C, Hernández-León S (2021) Stable nitrogen isotopes reveal microbial contribution to the trophic position of micronektonic fishes ASLO 2021. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography. Web conference, 22-27 June 2021. Abstract No. 2194, Session SS17.
  • Díaz-Alonso A, Gutiérrez-Barral A, Justel M, Fernández A, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Nieto-Cid M, Dittmar T, Osterholz H, Teira E, Fernández E (2021) Ash from forest fires in coastal ecosystems: chemical characterization and effects on microbial communities. Oral presentation. ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. 22-27 June 2021 (Session SS56)
  • Diaz-Tapia P, Bode A, Varela MM (2021) Nano- and microplankton diversity inhabiting a coastal upwelling system: a metabarcoding approach The 69th Annual Meeting of the British Phycological Society with Protistology UK. Web conference. 4-8 January 2021
  • Díaz-Tapia P, Bode A, Varela MM (2021) Seasonal niche partitioning of eukaryotic plankton driven by environmental factors in a coastal upwelling system. ASLO 2021. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanograph. Web conference, 22-27 June 2021. Session SS24.
  • Diaz-Tapia P, Bode A, Varela MM (2021) Diatoms and dinoflagellates diversity inhabiting a coastal upwelling system: a metabarcoding approach. 75th Annual Meeting of the Phycological Society of America, online, 13-22 July 2021
  • García-García LM, Ruíz-Villarreal M (2021) Variability of primary production during the spring bloom in NW Iberia: what can we learn from a biophysical model? Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research (AMEMR) Plymouth (UK) 12-15 Jluy 2021
  • García-García L, Rodríguez-Ramos T, Ruiz-Villarreal M, Marta-Almeida M, Bode A (2021) iFADO Project: contribution to the implementation of the MSFD in the Atlantic Area through modelling and in situ monitoring ISOBAY 17: XVII International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay, online, 1-4 June 2021
  • García-Seoane R, Aboal JR, Pacín C, Varela Z, González A, Fernández JA (2021) Temporal trends of heavy metal concentrations in brown macroalgae from coastal environments 2021 Meeting of the Phycological Society of America, online, 13-22 July 2021
  • García-Seoane R, Viana IG, Bode A (2021) A multitrophic reevaluation of phenylalanine as estimator of the isotopic δ15N baseline in marine food webs. ASLO 2021. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography. Web conference, 22-27 June 2021. Session SS60.
  • Gutiérrez-Zárate C, Veiga A, Gori A, Movilla J, Guallart EF, Álvarez M, Orejas C (2021) Bringing climate change to aquaria: studying the ecophysiological response of a cold-water coral in a multi-stressor environment. Oral presentation. ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. 22-27 June 2021
  • Jerusalén-Lleó E, Nieto-Cid M, Fernández-Castro B, Catalá TS, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2021) Dissolved organic matter molecular fingerprint of the water masses in the Cape Verde frontal zone. Oral presentation. ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. 22-27 June 2021 (Session SS42)
  • Mouriño-Carballido B, Alba R, Broullón E, Chouciño P, Fernández-Carrera A, Fernández-Castro B, Fernández-Román D, Farnelid H, Fuentes-Lema A, Joglar V, Pérez-Lorenzo M, Martínez-García S, Rodríguez-Ramos T, Varela MM (2021) Short-term variability in the activity and composition of the diazotroph community in a coastal upwelling system ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, online, 22-27 June 2021
  • Nieto-Cid M, Jerusalén-Lleó E, Fernández-Castro B, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2021) Size-reactivity of dissolved organic matter in the Cape Verde frontal zone. Oral presentation. ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. 22-27 June 2021 (Session SS42)
  • Orta Ponce CP, Rodríguez-Ramos T, Nieto Cid M, Teira E, Guerrero-Feijoo E, Varela MM, Bode A (2021) Bacterial community composition and optical signature of DOM shape empirical leucine-to-carbon conversion factors in north-eastern Atlantic waters (0 - 4000 m). ASLO 2021. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, web conference, 22-27 June 2021. Session SS16.
  • Piñeiro-Corbeira C, Barrientos S, Provera I, Díaz-Tapia P, Sánchez R, Barreiro R (2021) Understorey changes composition after temperate kelp forest collapse but keeps richness and diversity 75th Annual Meeting of the Phycological Society of America, online, 13-22 July 2021
  • Rodríguez F, Nogueira E, Bravo I, Díaz-Tapia P, Varela MM, Ben-Gigirey B, Figueroa R, Garrido JL, Ramilo I, Lluch N, Rossignoli A, Rioboo P (2021) Bloom dynamics of an exceptional red tide of the toxigenic dinoflagellate. 19th International Conference on Harmful Algae, 10-15 October 2021
  • Rodríguez-Ramos T, García-García LM, Bode A, Ibáñez-Tejero L, Marta-Almeida M, Ruíz-Villarreal M (2021) iFADO project: contribution to the determination of the Good Environmental Status in the Atlantic Area through modeling and in situ monitoring approaches ASLO 2021. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, web conference, 22-27 June 2021. Abstract No. 3644, Session SS66P.
  • Ruiz-Villarreal M, Mader J, Carracedo P, Torres R, Bedington M, Montero P, Dabrowski T, McGovern J, García-García L, Gallego A (2021) Development of Coastal Marine Services for Tackling Coastal Risks in the Atlantic Area: the value of regional cooperation 9th EuroGOOS International conference, Brest (France), 7: 420-427.
  • Valiente S, Fernández-Castro B, Campanero R, Marrero-Díaz A, Rodríguez-Santana A, Gelado-Caballero MD, Nieto-Cid M, Delgado-Huertas A, Arístegui J, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2021) Biogeochemistry of dissolved and suspended organic matter in the Cape Verde frontal zone (NW Africa). Poster presentation. ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting. 22-27 June 2021 (Session SS42)
  • Velasco-Senovilla E, Díaz PA, Rodriguez F, Garrido JL, Ruiz-Villarreal M, Fernández-Pena C, Mouriño-Carballido B, Reguera B, Nogueira E (2021) Changes in distributions of phytoplankton functional groups distribution, pigment composition and the realized niche of Dinophysis acuminata at the onset of an upwelling event 19th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Icha, Mexico, 10-15 December, 2021
  • Viana IG, Beiras R (2021) Differential physiological responses of Ulva rigida to wastewater related toxic compounds 75th Annual Meeting of the Phycological Society of America, online (13-22 July 2021)
  • Viana IG, Beiras R, Nombela M, Mena A (2021) Effects of the interaction of two local stressors on seagrass traits, sediment characteristics and its impact on blue carbon storage. YOUMARES 12 hybrid conference, Hamburg (Germany)  (5-7 October 2021)
  • Viana IG, Beiras R, Nombela M, Mena A (2021) Does nutrient enrichment interact with a physical disturbance in the sediment and plant responses in a Zostera noltei meadow? XVII International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay (ISOBAY 17) online (1-4 June 2021)
  • Viana IG, García-Seoane R, Bode A (2021) Decreasing impact of microbial trophic links with trophic position through marine food webs. ASLO 2021. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, web conference. 22-27 June 2021. Session CS23.


  • Álvarez M, Kozyr A, Velo A, Lange N, Tanhua T, Acerbi R, Guallart EF et al. (2020)Towards a public and internally consistent data product containing CARbon, transient tracers and ancillary data In the Mediterranen Sea, CARIMED. 8-10 September, GOA-ON Ocean Acidification week, on line event, MedSea Hub. Oral presentation.
  • Bode A (2020) Variaciones multianuales en las series RADIALES en el N de España. Simposio “Los sistemas de surgencia costera en un océano cambiante”. Concepción, Chile, 29 January 2020
  • García-Ibáñez MI, Guallart EF, Fajar NM, Barbero L,  Cai WJ, Wanninkhof R, Takeshita Y, Pierrot D, Pérez FF, Álvarez M (2020) Gaining insights into ocean CO2 system inconsistencies from discrete fCO2 measurements. 8-10 September, GOA-ON Ocean Acidification week, on line event, North East Atlantic Hub. Oral presentation.
  • Guallart EF, García-Ibáñez MI, Santiago-Domenech R, Hassoun AER, Fajar NM, Pérez FF, Easley R, Álvarez M (2020) Spectrophotometric measurement of [CO32-] in seawater: dealing with inconsistencies. 8-10 September, GOA-ON Ocean Acidification week, on line event, North East Atlantic Hub. Oral presentation.
  • Jerusalén-Lleó E, Nieto-Cid M, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2020) Solid phase extraction of ocean DOM with PPL cartridges: efficiency and selectivity. SIQUIMAR: XX Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina, Vigo 1-3 July. Oral presentation.
  • Lavín A, Somavilla R, González-Pola C, Rodríguez C, Ruiz-Villareal M, Tel E, Viloria A, Cano D, Marcos E, Graña R, Reguera I, Ibañez L (2020) The Santander Atlantic Time-Series. A deep water observatory representative of the Eastern North Atlantic. Ocean Science Meeting, San Diego (California). 16-21 February 2020. Poster
  • Ruiz Villarreal M, García-García L, Cobas M, Marta-Almeida M (2020) Modelling variability of circulation and ecosystem response along the N and NW Iberian Atlantic coast with a realistic configuration of the ROMS model. COMMODORE Conference, Hamburg, 28-31 January 2020. Poster
  • Ruiz-Villarreal M, Garcia-Garcia L, Gonzalez-Nuevo G, Silva A (2020) Efectos del cambio climático en los recursos vivos, Evento Internacional Transfronterizo. Futuro de los observatorios oceánicos costeros. Principales Resultados de Marrisk, Santiago de Compostela. 19-20 October 2020. Oral presentation


  • Álvarez M, Guallart EF, Fajar NM, Castaño-Carrera M, González Dequidt J (2019) Monthly inorganic biogeochemistry time series in the NE Spain Gulf of Artabro, 2014-2018, preliminar results. XV International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium (IEBS 2019), Vigo (Spain), 4-5th June
  • Álvarez M, Velo A, Tanhua T, Key R, van Heuven S (2019) CARbon, tracer and ancillary data In the MEDsea, CARIMED: an internally consistent data product for the Mediterranean Sea. 42nd CIESM congress. Oral and Poster presentation. Cascais (Portugal), 7-11 October
  • Fourrier M, Coppola L,  D'Ortenzio F, Claustre H, Sauzède R, Bittig HC, Álvarez M (2019) A neural network approach to estimate water column nutrient concen- trations and carbonate system parameters in the Mediterranean Sea: CANYON -MED. EGU2019-14657. European Geophysical Union. Poster Presentation. Vienna (Austria), April
  • Gonzalez-Pola C, Ruiz-Villarreal M, Álvarez M, Tel E, Graña R, Rodriguez C, Lavín A (2019) FinisGlider: Pilot experience to incorporate Glider technology to the Spain) repeated hydrographic section Finisterre (NW Spain) Repeat Hydrographic Section. Trans National Actions WP7.8, JERICO NEXT Final General Assembly. Poster presentation. Brest (Francia), 2-5 July
  • Lavín A, Tel E, Álvarez M, Balbín R, González-Pola C, García-Martinez MC, Rodríguez C, Ruíz-Villareal M, Sánchez R, Somavilla R, Vargas M, Vélez P (2019) Developing products from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography Observing System (IEOOS). OceanObs19. DIS-CVC-02. Poster presentation Honolulu, (Hawaii, USA), 16-20 September
  • McGovern E, Moffat C, Foden J,  Álvarez M, Berbee R, Chierici M, Christensen JPA, Dupont S, Grage A, Jeorrett C, Ólafsdóttir SR, Parmentier K, von Schuckmann K, Skjelvan I, Walsham P, Widdicombe S (2019) Ocean Acidification (OA) monitoring and assessment in the North-East Atlantic under the OSPAR convention. 4th Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) International Workshop. Poster presentation Hangzhou (China), 14-17 April
  • Rodríguez-Ramos T, Guerrero-Feijoo E, Nieto-Cid M, Varela MM (2019) Is microbial community composition related to the quality of dissolved organic matter IN THE north atlantic waters?. 1º Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society & XIV AEET Meeting “Ecology: an integrative science in the Anthropocene”. Oral communication. Barcelona (Spain), 4 th-7th February
  • Schroeder K, Tanhua T, Álvarez M, Chiggiato J, Coppola L (2019) Physics and biogeochemistry along the MedSHIP high frequency transects in the Western mediterranean sea (cruise TalPro-2016). 42nd CIESM congress. Oral and Poster presentation. Cascais (Portugal), 7-11 October
  • Tanhua T, Schroeder K, Álvarez, M (2019) Stable Carbon isotopes and transient tracers time-series. 42nd CIESM congress 2019. Oral and Poster presentation. Cascais (Portugal), 7-11 October
  • Tel E, Balbin R, Bellas J, Bode A, Garcia-Martinez MC, Gonzalez-Pola C, Latasa M, Lavin A, Molinero J, Rodriguez-Puente C, Ruíz-Villareal M, Sanchez-Leal R, Vargas-Yanez M, Velez-Belchi P (2019) Sharing Data of the Spanish Oceanographic Institute Observing System (IEOOS) in the Framework of International Initiatives. 27th IUGG Annual Assembly, Montreal (Canada), 8-18 July
  • Varela MM, Guerrero-Feijoo E, Hernando-Morales V, Bode A, Teira E (2019) Seasonal variability of autotrophic and heterotrophic picoplancton in the coastal upwelling off Galicia (NW Spain). 1st Iberian Ecological Society Meeting (SIBECOL 2019). Poster. Barcelona (Spain), 4-7 February
  • Varela MM, Rodríguez-Ramos T, Osterholz H, Dittmar T, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Nieto-Cid M (2019) Linking microbial diversity (Bacteria and Archaea) and chemodiversity of dissolved organic matter in the major water masses of the north Atlantic. 2019. IMBER. Future Oceans2. Oral communication. Brest (France) 17-21 June


  • Álvarez M, Fajar NM, Pérez FF, Velo A, Guallart EF (2018) Global assesment of seawater CO2 data with emphasis on pH. Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina (SIQUIMAR), Vigo (Spain), 20-22th June
  • Bode A (2018) CLIVAR Research Focus on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (RF-EBUS) and related groups Workshop on “The effects of climate change on the productivity in the CCLME”. IOC-UNESCO, Tenerife (Spain), 18-20 September
  • Bode A (2018) Current paradigms related to the primary productivity in EBUS. Workshop on “The effects of climate change on the productivity in the CCLME”. IOC-UNESCO, Tenerife (Spain), 18-20 September
  • Bode A (2018) Stable isotopes and trophic ecology of mackerel in the Bay of Biscay & Norway. EcoNorSe project meeting Instituto of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, 15th to 16th October
  • Bode A, Álvarez M, Ruíz-Villarreal M, Varela MM (2018) Changes in phytoplankton production and upwelling intensity off A Coruña (NW Spain) for the last 28 yr. 50th Liége Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liége (Belgium), 28 May - 1 June
  • Bode A, Álvarez M, Ruíz-Villarreal M, Varela MM (2018) Phytoplanton production is uncoupled from upwelling intensity at large time scales off A Coruña (NW Spain). International Symposium on Marine Sciences (VI ISMS), Vigo (Spain), 20-22th June
  • Castaño-Carrera M, Guallart EF, Fajar NM,  Álvarez M (2018) Inorganic Chemical Oceanography capabilities and times series at IEO A Coruña. Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina (SIQUIMAR), Vigo (Spain), 20-22th June
  • de la Paz M, García-Ibáñez M, Steinfeldt R, Pérez FF (2018) Nitrous oxide in the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Ocean Sciences Meeting OSC 2018, Portland (USA), 11-16 February
  • Fajar NM, Guallart EF, Santiago-Domenech R, Aparicio A, Cainzos V, Castaño-Carrera M, Álvarez M (2018) High resolultion CO2 mearuments over cold water corals following the Mediterranean Sea water path in the North Atlantic. Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina (SIQUIMAR), Vigo (Spain), 20-22th June
  • Fernández-Castro B, Álvarez M, Nieto-Cid M, Zunino P, Mercier H, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2018) Dissolved organic nitrogen dominates nitrogen export in the subpolar North Atlantic. XIX Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina (SIQUIMAR), Vigo (España), 20-22 June
  • Guallart EF, Astray-Uceda B, El Hassoun E, Fajar NM, Castaño-Carrera M, Álvarez M (2018) Brand new water column measurements of CO2 in the Mediterranean Sea, MSM72, March 2018. Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina (SIQUIMAR), Vigo (Spain), 20-22th June
  • Ibánhez JSP, Rocha C, Nieto-Cid M, Casal L, Wilson J, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2018) Submarine groundwater discharge in Ría de Vigo. XIX Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina (SIQUIMAR), Vigo (España), 20-22 June
  • Martínez-Pérez A, Fernández-Castro B, Gelado-Caballero MD, Rodrígez-Santana A, Nieto-Cid M, Marrero-Díaz A, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2018) Coloured dissolved organic matter in the Cape Verde frontal zone (NW Africa). XIX Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina (SIQUIMAR), Vigo (Spain), 20-22 June
  • Mosquera Giménez A, Vélez-Belchí P, Piñeiro S, Fajar NM, Rivera J, Caínzos V, Santiago-Domenech R, Álvarez M, Balbín R, Jiménez Aparicio JA, Aparicio-González A (2018) Ocean Circulation over Formigas and Ormonde Seamounts. ATLAS 3rd General Assembly. Mallorca, Spain, 24-28 April
  • Mosquera Giménez A, Vélez-Belchí P, Piñeiro S, Fajar NM, Rivera J, Caínzos V, Santiago-Domenech R, Álvarez M, Balbín R, Jiménez Aparicio JA, Aparicio-González A (2018) Ocean Circulation over Formigas and Ormonde Seamounts. V Encuentro de Oceanografía Física 2018 (EOF). Vigo (Spain), 20-22 June
  • Nieto-Cid M, Kaal J, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2018) Molecular Fingerprinting of dissolved organic matter using pyrolysis-GC-MS. XIX Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina (SIQUIMAR), Vigo (España), 20-22 June
  • Orta-Ponce CP, Rodríguez-Ramos T, Guerrero-Feijoo E, Teira E, Nieto-Cid M, Varela MM (2018) Leucine-to-carbon conversion factors experiments: relationship with microbial diversity and quality of organic matter. VI International Symposium on Marine Sciences, Vigo (España), 20-22 June
  • Pérez FF, Fontela M, García-Ibáñez M, Mercier, H, Velo A, Lherminier P, Zunino P, de la Paz M, Alonso-Pérez F, Guallart EF, Padín XA (2018) Rapid shoaling of Aragonite Saturation Horizon along OVIDE (A25) line. Ocean Sciences Meeting OSC 2018, Portland (USA), 11-16 February
  • Riquelme-Bugueno R, Jorquera E, Merino C, Bode A, Escribano R (2018) Isotopic changes in the euphausiid Stylocheiron sp. in the eastern South Pacific. ISOECOL 2018, Viña del Mar (Chile), 30 July- 3 August
  • Rodríguez-Ramos T, Guerrero-Feijoo E, Nieto-Cid M, Varela MM (2018) Spatial shifts in microbial community composition in relation to the quality of dissolved organic matter in the North Atlantic waters. VI International Symposium on Marine Sciences, Vigo (España), 20-22 June
  • Ruíz Villarreal M, Dale T, Dabrowski T, González-Nuevo G, Cusack C (2018) Tools for supporting offshore aquaculture along the Spanish, Norwegian and Irish Atlantic coasts. EOF 2018 Encuentro de la Oceanografía Física 2018. Vigo (Spain) 20-22 June
  • Ruíz Villarreal M, González-Pola C, Lado L, Marcote D, González-Nuevo G, Tel E, Bode A, Lavín A (2018) Variability of circulation and ecosystem response along the N and NW Iberian Atlantic coast. 50th Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liège (Belgium), 28 May - 1 June
  • Varela MM, Guerrero-Feijoo E, Hernando-Morales V, Bode A, Teira E (2018) Seasonal variation of picoplankton abundance and community composition in the coastal upwelling off Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula).VI International Symposium on Marine Sciences. Vigo (Spain), 20-22th June
  • Vila B, Macho-Eiras ML, Taboada J, Allen-Perkins S, Almécija C, Álvares MT, Ayensa G, Baptista P, Bastero SF, Bastos, L, Bernabeu, AM, Bernardes C, Bio A, Cardona F, Carracedo P, Castro CG, Coelho C, Doval MD, Dubert J, Fernándéz-Fernández S, Gayoso A, Jorge da Silva A, Magalhães CM, Mohamed KJ, Montero P, Mota-Lopes A, Padin XA, Piedracoba S, Pinho J, Pinto JP, Ruíz-Villarreal M, Santos AMP, Silva A, Silva MJ, Silva PA, Torres-López S (2018) Harmonization of data time series for the evaluation of  coastal risks  in the Galicia - North Portugal euroregion. VI International Symposium on Marine Sciences, Vigo (España), 20-22 Jun
  • Wilson ST, Bange HW, Arévalo-Martínez DL, Barnes J, Borges AV, Brown I, Bullister JL, Burgos M, Capelle DW, Casso M, de la Paz M, Farías L, Fenwick L, Ferrón S, Garcia G, Glockzin M, Karl DM, Kock A, Laperriere S, Law CS, Manning CC, Marriner A, Myllykangas JP, Pohlman JW, Rees AP, Santoro AE, Tortell PD, Upstill-Goddard RC, Wisegarver DP, Zhang GL, Rehder G (2018) A global intercomparison of oceanic methane and nitrous oxide measurements. Ocean Sciences Meeting OSC 2018, Portland (USA), 11-16 February


  • Dale T, Ruíz-Villarreal M, Dabrowski T, Cusack C (2017) Offshore aquaculture site selection along the Spanish, Norwegian and Irish Atlantic coasts. EuroGOOS International Conference: Operational Oceanography serving sustainable marine development. Bergen (Norway). 3-5 October
  • Fajar NM, Santiago-Domenech R, Aparicio-González A, Caínzos V, Pelayo V, Álvarez M (2017) Is Deep Sea Cold Water Corals distribution constrained by CO2 distinct signatures? ATLAS 2nd General Assembly, Spain, 24-28 April
  • Fajar NM, Álvarez M, Santiago-Domenech R, Aparicio-González A (2017) Is the Mediterranean Sea Outflow conditioning cold water corals in the North Atlantic? 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC10). Interlaken, Switzerland, 21-25 August
  • Fernández C, López-Sandoval DC, Rodríguez-Ramos T, Marañón E (2017) Temperature, growht metrics and the unimodal size-scaling of phytoplankton growth. IPC11, 11th International Phycological Congress, Szczecin (Poland), 13-19 August
  • Lado L, Marcote D, Bode A, Ruíz-Villareal M (2017) Variabilidad de las propiedades físicas y su influencia en el ecosistema de la plataforma continental de A Coruña. XXXVI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Santiago de Compostela, 17-21 July 2017, p 2
  • Rodríguez-Ramos T, Guerrero-Feijoo E, Nieto-Cid MM, Sintes E, Varela MM (2017). Changes in bacterial activity and community composition in response to water mass mixing. 15th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Zagreb (Croatia), 3-8 September
  • Ruíz-Villarreal M, García García L, Cobas M, Marta Almeida M (2017) The IEO coastal observatory: understanding variability of coastal circulation and ecosystem response off North and North-West Iberia. EuroGOOS International Conference: Operational Oceanography serving sustainable marine development. Bergen (Norway). 3-5 October
  • Ruíz-Villarreal M, García-García L, Marta-Almeida M, Mouriño-Carballido B, Cobas M (2017) Turbulence and mixing in the NW Iberian shelf in response to upwelling events. 49th International Liége Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics – The 8th Warnemünde Turbulence Days. Liége (Belgium) 22-26 May
  • SanLeón-Bartolome H, Álvarez M, Velo A, Tanhua T, Fajar NM (2017) The CARIMED (CARbon IN the MEDiterranean Sea) data synthesis initiative: overview and quality control procedures. 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC10). Interlaken, Switzerland, 21-25 August
  • Tel E, Alvarez M, Bode A, Cabrero A, Chamarro I, Garcia-Martinez MC, Rodriguez-Puente C, Velez P, Viloria A (2017) Spatio - temporal variability of chemical seawater parameters around the Spanish coasts. IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA, Cape Town, 27 August - 1 September, 2017
  • Varela MM, Montes T, Guerrero-Feijoo E, Ruíz-Villarreal M, Moreira-Coello V, Mouriño-Carballido B, Bode A (2017) Short-term variability of bacterial communities in the shelf waters off Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula): patterns and drivers shaping the diversity. 15th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Zagreb (Croatia), 3-8 September 2017


  • Cano D, Gonzalez-Pola C, Somavilla R, Tel E, Rodríguez C, Ruíz-Villareal M, Viloria A, Lavín A (2016) Sensor Networks and derived products at Biscay AGL observatory. State of the art operational oceanography at IEO. XV International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay Bilbao (Spain) 22-24 June
  • Cano D, Gonzalez-Pola C, Somavilla R, Tel E, Rodríguez C, Ruíz-Villareal M, Lavín A (2016) Biscay AGL. An observatory for state of the art operational oceanography at IEO. Derived products, sensor networks and future developments IV Encuentro Oceanografía Física Española (EOF 2016). Alicante. 20-22 July
  • Castillo YM, Vaqué D, Lara E, Catalá TS, Nieto-Cid M, Romera-Castillo C, Ortega-Retuerta E, Morán XAG, Gasol JM, Duarte CM, Marrasé C (2016) Do microbes contribute to the FDOM signature in the ocean? Planeta Oceà, XXXII Trobades Científiques de la Mediterrània, Maó (España), 5-7 October
  • García-Ibánez MI, Fajar NM, SanLeón-Bartolomé H, Álvarez M, Pérez FF (2016) Spectrophotometric Measurements of the Carbonate Ion Concentration: Aragonite Saturation States in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2016, Viena, Austria, 17-22 April
  • García-Ibánez MI, Zunino P, Fröb F, Fajar NM, Ríos AF, Mercier H, Olsen A, Pérez FF (2016) Ocean acidification trends in the North Atlantic: strength and controlling mechanisms. European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2016, Viena, Austria, 17-22 April
  • Guallart EF, Spatiotemporal variability of the carbonate system in the North Atlantic Ocean (2016) XXV Dissertations Symposium in Chemical Oceanography (DISCO XXV), Oahu, Hawaii (USA), 10-13 October
  • Marta-Almeida M, Ruíz-Villarreal M (2016) Simulating the variability of circulation and ecosystem response in the Portuguese and Galician coastal region. Campus do Mar Science Conference 2016. Vila Real, Portugal. 17-18 November
  • Martínez-Pérez AM, Osterholz H, Nieto-Cid M, Dittmar T, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2016) Linking Optical and Molecular Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Mediterranean Sea. 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans LA (EEUU), 21-26 February
  • Martínez-Pérez AM, Nieto-Cid M, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2016) Assessing the reactivity of DOM along the Levantine intermediate waters of the Mediterranean Sea. XVIII Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina, Alicante (España), 20-22 July
  • Mompeán C, Bode A, Gier E, McCarthy MD (2016) Amino acid stable N isotope estimations reveal uniform diazotrophic contributions across zooplankton size fractions in the subtropical N Atlantic. 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium. ICES / PICES, Bergen, 9-13 May 2016, p S8 ID19
  • Moreira-Coello V, Mouriño-Carballido B, Marañón E, Fernández A, Chouciño P, Varela MM, Bode A (2016) Nitrogen fixation and diffusive fluxes in the upwelling region off NW Iberia. V Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar, Alicante (Spain),  20-22 July
  • Mouriño-Carballido B, Otero-Ferrer JL, Agustí S, Bode A, Cermeño P, Chouciño P, da Silva J, Fernández-Castro B, Gasol J, Gil Coto M, Graña R, Latasa M, Lubián L, Marañón E, Morán XAG, Moreno-Ostos E, Moreira-Coello V, Otero-Ferrer JL, Ruíz-Villarreal M, Scharek R, Vallina SM, Varela M, Villamaña M (2016) Major role of nutrient supply in the control of picophytoplankton community structure. In: Union AG (ed) Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016, New Orleans, 21-26 February
  • Mouriño-Carballido B, Agustí S, Bode A, Cermeño P, Chouciño P, da Silva J, Fernández-Castro B, Gasol J, Gilcoto M, Graña R, Latasa M, Lubián L, Marañón E, Morán XAG, Moreno-Ostos E, Moreira-Coello V, Otero-Ferrer JL, Ruíz-Villarreal M, Scharek R, Vallina S, Varela MM, Villamaña M (2016) Control of the structure of marine phytoplankton communities by turbulence and nutrient supply dynamics (CHAOS). V Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar, Alicante (Spain), 20-22 July
  • Petursdottir H, Gislason A, Bode A (2016) Comparison of trophic relationships of the pelagic ecosystems south and north of Iceland ICES/PICES 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium, Bergen (Norway), 9-13 May, p Session 8, presentation 219
  • Reguera B, Díaz PA, Ruíz-Villarreal M, Rodríguez F, Garrido JL, Mouriño Carballido B, Chouciño P (2016) Fine scale physical-biological interactions in a Dinophysis acuminata population during an upwelling-relaxation transition. 17th International Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae. Florianopolis (Brazil), 9-14 October
  • Rodríguez-Ramos T, Vega-Estévez S, Moya C, Gómez, JL (2016) Microalgae and cyanobacteria pigment extracts for their application in the textile industry: new producers of pigments and first developments. AlgaEurope 2016, Madrid (Spain)
  • Ruíz-Villarreal M, García-García L, Cobas-García M, Bode A (2016) The IEO coastal observatory: understanding variability of coastal circulation and ecosystem response off North and North West Iberia Campus do Mar International Science Conference 2016 Vila Real (Portugal), 17-18 November
  • Ruíz-Villarreal M, García-García LCobas-García M, González-Nuevo G, Díaz PA, Reguera B, Cabanas JM (2016) Towards a HAB forecast service in the Galician region. V Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar. Alicante 20-22 July


  • Álvarez M, Ruíz-Villarreal M, González-Pola C, Lavín A (2015) Estimation of the ventilation in the Bay of Biscay in 2009-2012 using oxygen profiles from argo data. Sustained ocean observing for the next decade. A combined GO-SHIP/Argo/IOCCP conference on physical and biogeochemical measurements of the water column, Galway (Ireland), 14–18 September
  • Amano-Sato C, Sintes E, Reinthaler T, Varela MM, Utsumi M, Herndl GJ (2015) Lower prokaryotic leucine incorporation rates under in situ pressure than under decompressed conditions in the deep north Atlantic. ASLO 2015: Global and Regional Perspectives-North Meets South. Granada (Spain) 22-27 February
  • Aparicio-Bernat FL, Borrull E, Romero E, Nieto-Cid M, Stedmon CA, Gasol JM, Marrasé C (2015) Mechanisms driving the fate of the organic matter in deep sea waters: quality and quantity of the substrates. ASLO - 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada (España), 22-27 February
  • Basedow S, da Silva NL, Bode A (2015) Trophic flow within the microbial and mesozooplankton foodweb in the North Atlantic: processes indicated by analyses of stable isotopes and biovolume spectra. ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, Copenhague (Denmark) 21-25 September. ICES C.M. 2015/S:10
  • Bode A, Bates NR, Cloern J, Isensee K, Lomas M, Lorenzoni L, Lotliker AA, Muller-Karger FE, O'Brien T, Richardson AJ, Ross A, Valdés L, Wiebe P (2015) New light for time series: international collaboration in ship-based ecosystem monitoring. ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, Copenhague (Denmark) 21-25 September. ICES C.M.  2015/C:02
  • Bode A, Mompeán C, Álvarez-Ossorio MT, Fernández de Puelles ML, Echevarría F, González-Gordillo JI, Hernández-León S, Irigoien X, Acuña JL (2015) Vertical  variability of trophic positions of zooplankton in the deep ocean. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Conference 2015. ASLO, Granada (Spain) 23-27 February. ID 26730
  • Fernández E, Teira E, Barber-Lluch E, Hernandez-Ruíz M, Sobrino C, Teixeira IG, Arbones B, Nieto-Cid M, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Figueiras FG (2015) Complex biomass and production responses of microbial plankton to natural atmospheric inputs in a coastal ecosystem (NW Iberian coast). ASLO - 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada (España), 22-27 February
  • Fuentes-Lema A, Sanleón-Bartolomé H, Pazó MJ, Vieitiez V, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Lubián LM, Álvarez M, Sobrino C (2015) Interaction between elevated CO2 and organic matter on bacterial metabolismo. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. Granada (Spain) 23-27 February
  • Galindo-Lorente M, Vidal M, Flos J, Álvarez M, Padín XA, Coca J, Ramos AG, Redondo À (2015) Distribution of air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Mediterranean sea. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, Granada (Spain), 22-27 February
  • Garijo JC, González-Gordillo JI, Echevarría F, Bode A, Fernández de Puelles ML, Irigoien X, Hernández-León S (2015) Mesozooplankton distribution, production and respiration in the global ocean. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. Granada (Spain) 23-27 February. ID: 27412
  • Guerrero-Feijoo E, Sintes E, Herndl GJ, Varela, MM (2015) Dark CO2 fixation by chemolithoautotrophic prokaryotes in the deep-water masses of the north-west coast of the Iberian Peninsula. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. Granada (Spain) 23-27 February
  • Guerrero-Feijoo E, Nieto-Cid MM, Sintes E, Varela MM (2015) Bacterial activity and community composition response to the size-reactivity of dissolved organic matter. SAME 14 meeting. Uppsala (Sweden) 23-28 August
  • Hernández-León SM, Fraile-Nuez E, Garijo JC, Ariza A, Irigoien X, Olivar P, González-Gordillo I, Fernández de Puelles ML, Bode A, Gasol JM (2015) Diel vertical migrants and the ocean carbon pump: is there a ladder of migration? ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. Granada (Spain) 23-27 February. ID: 26727.
  • Hernandez-Ruíz M, Barber-Lluch E, Prieto A, Varela MM, Fernandez E, Teira E (2015) Microbial plankton community responses to nutrient additions and B12-vitamin additions. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. Granada (Spain) 23-27 February
  • Lavin A, Cano D, González-Pola C, Tel E, Rodriguez C, Ruíz-Villarreal M, Somavilla R (2015) Research and operational products from the combination of a monthly hydrographic station and an oceanic buoy: The Biscay AGL fixed-point water column observatory. EGU General Assembly 2015. Vienna (Austria) 12-17 April
  • Marrasé C, Aparicio-Bernat FL, Borrull E, Romero E, Nieto-Cid M, Gasol JM, Cortes N, Caixach J, Sala MM, Ríos AF (2015) Total DOM remineralization in the ocean: is it possible? ASLO - 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada (España), 22-27 February
  • Martínez Pérez AM, Osterholz H, Nieto-Cid M, Dittmar T, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2015) Molecular characterization of DOM in the epi-, meso- and bathypelagic water masses of the Mediterranean Sea. ASLO - 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada (España), 22-27 February
  • Moreira-Coello V, Mouriño-Carballido B, Marañón E, Fernández A, Chouciño P, Varela MM, Bode A (2015) Nitrogen fixation in the upwelling region off NW Iberia. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. Granada (Spain) 23-27 February. ID: 2614
  • Nieto-Cid M, Martínez-Pérez AM, Catalá TS, San León H, Arístegui J, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2015) Assessing the size-reactivity continuum of dissolved organic matter (DOM) across the Mediterranean Sea. ASLO - 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada (España), 22-27 February
  • Otero J, Bode A, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Varela M (2015) Resource use efficiency is affected by phytoplankton community changes and geochemical shifts over time in a coastal upwelling area (NE Atlantic). ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. Granada (Spain) 23-27 February. ID: 26825
  • Otero-Ferrer JL, Mouriño-Carballido B, Cermeño P, Agustí S, Bode A, Chouciño P, Fernández-Castro B, Gasol JM, Latasa M, Lubián LM, Marañón E, Morán XAG, Moreira-Coello V, Moreno-Ostos E, Varela MM, Villamaña M (2015) Which factors control the picoplankton community structure in the ocean? ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. ASLO, Granada, 23-27 February. ID: 26170
  • Ríos AF, Resplandy L, García-Ibáñez MI, Fajar NM, Velo A, Padin XA, Wanninkhof R, Steinfeldt R, Roson G, Pérez FF (2015) Decadal acidification in the water masses of the Atlantic Ocean. Aquatic Sciences: Global And Regional Perspectives — North Meets South. Granada, Andalusia, Spain February 22-27
  • Romera-Castillo C, Álvarez M, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Hansell DA (2015) Assessing sources and sinks of refractory dissolved organic carbon in the deep Atlantic Ocean. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. Granada (Spain) 23-27 February
  • Ruíz-Villarreal M, García-García L, Cobas-García M (2015) The IEO coastal observatory: understanding variability of coastal circulation and ecosystem response off North and North West Iberia. 4th GODAE OceanView Coastal Ocean and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT). International Coordination Workshop (COSS-ICW4). Lisboa (Portugal) 31 August – 4 September
  • Sintes E, Haberleitner E, Ortiz V, Amano C, Varela MM, De Corte D, Herndl GJ (2015) Taurine: an energy “drink” for deep sea microbes. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. Granada (Spain) 23-27 February
  • Sobrino C, Teira E, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Nieto-Cid M, Hernández-Ruíz M, Fernández E, Figueiras FG (2015) Interaction between ultraviolet radiation and allochtonous materials on the production of coastal planktonic communities. ASLO - 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada (España), 22-27 February
  • Teira E, Hernando-Morales V, Cornejo-Castillo F-M, Alonso-Sáez,L, Sarmento H, Valencia-Vila J, Catalá T-S, Hernández-Ruíz M., Varela MM, Ferrera I, Morán XAG,  Gasol JM (2015) Carbon conversion factors for estimating heterotrophic bacterial production in surface waters of the world ocean. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. Granada (Spain) 23-27 February
  • Valdes JL, Bode A, O'Brien TD, Isensee K (2015) Sampling once…using data multiple times. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting 2015. San Jose ( CA, USA) 12-16 February
  • Varela MM, Álvarez-Ossorio MT, Bode A, Campos MJ, Guerrero-Feijoo E, Varela M (2015) Diversity and abundance of planktonic communities in the deep waters off the Galician coast (NW Spain). ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015. Granada (Spain) 23-27 February. ID: 26712
  • Zunino P, Pérez FF, Fajar NM, Guallart EF, Rios AF, Pelegri, JL, Hernández-Guerra A (2015) Transports and storages of anthropogenic CO2 in the tropical North Atlantic.26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. Praga, Czech Republic 22 June – 2 July


  • Bode A, Acuña JL, González-Quirós R, Miranda A, Rodriguez C (2014) RADIALES time series: 25 years building monitoring and analytical capacities in the Iberian shelf. 2nd. International Ocean Research Conference, Barcelona (Spain) 17-21 November (Ref 112)
  • Bode A, Alvarez-Ossorio MT (2014) Trends in the size of mesozooplankton during the last 25 years at A Coruña (N Spain). ICES Annual Science Conference 2014, A Coruña (Spain) 22-26 September. ICES C.M. 2014/M:13
  • Bode A, Estévez MG, Varela M, Vilar JA (2014) Trends in phytoplankton species abundance in shelf waters of the Galician upwelling (NW Spain). 2nd International Ocean Research Conference, Barcelona (Spain) 17-21 November. Ref 113
  • Fernández E, Teira E, Lluch E, Hernández M, Sobrino C, Teixeira I, Arbones B, Nieto-Cid M, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Martínez-García S, Figueiras FG (2014) Is the response of coastal phytoplankton to allochtonous nutrient inputs predictable? ECSA54, Coastal systems under change: tunning assessment and management tools, Sesimbra (Portugal), 12-16 May
  • Guallart EF, Fajar NM, Calvo E, Ríos AF, Pérez FF, Pelejero C (2014) Ocean acidification and associated changes in saturation states in the Subtropical North Atlantic. Gordon Research Conference on “Ocean Global Change Biology” Interactive Effects of Multiple Global Change Variables. Boston, USA, July 6-11
  • Guallart EF, Fajar NM, Calvo E, Ríos AF, Pérez FF, Pelejero C (2014) Ocean acidification and calcium carbonate saturation states along the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. 2nd International Ocean Research Conference. Barcelona, Spain, November 16-21
  • Guallart EF, Fajar NM, Legge O, Brown P, Pelejero C, Messias M-J, Shuster U, Calvo E, Watson A, Ríos AF, Pérez FF (2014) Trends in anthropogenic CO2 in water masses of the Subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. XVII Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 11-13 June
  • Guerrero-Feijóo E, Nieto-Cid M, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Álvarez M, Hernando-Morales V, Sintes E, Teira E, Herndl GJ, Varela MM (2014) Prokaryotic abundance, activity and community composition in relation to the quality of dissolved organic matter in the deep waters off the Galician Coast (NW Spain). IMBER Open Science Conference Future Oceans. Bergen (Norway) 23-27 June
  • Hernández M, Barber E, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Nieto-Cid M, Figueiras FG, Arbones B, Teixeira I, Sobrino C, Fernández E, Teira E. (2014) Response of prokaryotic and eukaryotic community structure to inorganic and organic nutrient additions in a eutrophic coastal ecosystem. International Meeting on Marine Research 2014, Peniche (Portugal), 10-11 July
  • Lavín A, Balbín R, Cabanas JM, Cano D, Díaz del Río G, Fraile Nuez E, García MJ, González-Pola C, López-Jurado JL, Rodríguez C, Ruíz-Villarreal M, Sánchez R, Tel E, Vargas M, Vélez Belchí P (2014) The Spanish Institute of Oceanography Observing System, IEOOS. 7th EuroGOOS conference. Lisbon (Portugal) 28-30 October
  • Marrasé C, Aparicio-Bernat FL, Borrul E, Romero E, Nieto-Cid M, Gasol JM, Sala MM, Ríos AF (2014) The major constraint for total DOM remineralization in the dark ocean: quality, quantity or diversity of organic matter? IMBER Open Science Conference FUTURE OCEANS, Bergen (Noruega), 23-27 June
  • Otero J, Bode A, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Varela M (2014) Biogeochemical shifts in a coastal upwelling area (NE Atlantic) do not lead to downsizing in phytoplankton species despite altering the structure of the community. ICES Annual Science Conference 2014, A Coruña (Spain) 22-26 September. ICES C.M.  2014/M:19
  • Reguera B, Díaz PA, Escalera L, Ramilo I, Cabanas JM, Ruíz-Villarreal M (2014) Winter distributions of Dinophysis populations: do they help predict the onset of the bloom?. Marine and Freshwater Harmful Algae. 16th International Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae (ISSHA), Wellington (New Sealand) 27-30 October
  • Ríos AF, Resplandy L, García-Ibáñez MI, Fajar NM, Velo A, Padin XA, Wanninkhof R, Steinfeld R, Roson G, Pérez FF (2014) Decadal acidification in the water masses of the Atlantic Ocean. IMBER Open Science Conference. Bergen, Norway, 23-27 June
  • Rodríguez-Ramos T, Marañón E, Cermeño P. (2014) The latitudinal gradient of diversity does not apply to phytoplankton in the Atlantic Ocean. Ocean Science Meeting 2014, Honolulu (USA)
  • Ruíz-Villarreal M, García-García LCobas-García M, Díaz PA, Reguera B (2014) ASIMUTH: a Copernicus marine downstream service for HAB forecasts in the Galician region. 7th EuroGOOS conference. Lisbon (Portugal) 28-30 October
  • Ruíz-Villarreal M, García-García L, Cobas M, Díaz P, Reguera B (2014) Numerical simulations with the ASIMUTH forecast system for understanding and forecasting HAB events in Galicia (NW Spain). ICES Annual Science Conference 2014. A Coruña (Spain) 15-19 September
  • Sánchez Leal R, Sánchez Garrido JC, Bellanco Esteban MJ, Ruíz-Villarreal M,  González-Pola Muñiz C (2014) Early transformation of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) in the Gulf of Cádiz, SW Iberian Peninsula: pathways, mixing and temporal variability. EGU General Assembly 2014. Vienna (Austria) 27 April – 2 May
  • Sobrino C, Teira E, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Nieto-Cid M, Hernández M, Fernández E, Figueiras FG (2014) Effects of ultraviolet radiation and external additions on the production of planktonic communities from Ría de Vigo (NW Spain). ECSA54, Coastal systems under change: tunning assessment and management tools, Sesimbra (Portugal), 12-16 May
  • Tanhua T, Álvarez M (2014) Carbon cycle in the Mediterranean Sea. The 2nd Workshop on Marginal Seas in Change, the East Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Busan (Korea) 24-26 September
  • Teira E, Hernández M, Barber E, Sobrino C, Teixeira I, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Nieto-Cid M, Martínez-García S, Figueiras FG, Fernández E (2014) Bacterioplankton metabolic responses to continental and atmospheric inputs of matter in a coastal upwelling system (Ría de Vigo, NW Spain). ECSA54, Coastal systems under change: tunning assessment and management tools, Sesimbra (Portugal), 12-16 May
  • Teixeira I, Arbones B, Froján M, Alonso-Pérez F, de la Granda-Grandoso F, Villacieros-Robineau N, Zuñiga D, Hernández M, Castro CG, Nieto-Cid M, Sobrino C, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Teira E, Fernández E, Figueiras FG (2014) Phytoplankton communities’ response to different nutrient inputs in a coastal upwelling system (Ría de Vigo, NW Spain). ECSA54, Coastal systems under change: tunning assessment and management tools, Sesimbra (Portugal), 12-16 May
  • Tel E, García MJ, de Armas D, Bellas J, Bode A, Cabanas JM, García-Martínez MC, León VM, Campillo JA, Rodríguez MC, Sánchez-Leal R, Vélez P, Viñas L (2014) Recovery and homogenization of marine chemical data from IEO systematic monitoring programs., IV International Symposium of Marine Sciences. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) 11-13 June
  • Varela MM, Herndl GJ, Sintes E, Teira E, Gasol JM (2014) Dissolved inorganic carbon fixation of Thaumarchaeota vs. Bacteria in the meso- and upper bathypelagic waters of the world’s oceans differentiated with the use of metabolic inhibitors. IMBER Open Science Conference Future Oceans. Bergen (Norway), 23-27 June

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