Scientific equipment available for the Plankton Ecology and Biogeochemistry research group (EPB). Centro Oceanográfico de A Coruña
Sampling:- Research vessel Lura (
- Oceanographic rosette (Seabird SBE 32 subcompact)
- CTD (Seabird SBE-25, SBE-911)
- Niskin bottles (various sizes: 1.5 – 20 L)
Plankton nets:
- Bongo (various sizes)
- WP2 (50 cm diameter)
Microscopy laboratory:
- Stereomicroscopes (Nikon SMZ, Optiphot; Leica MZ8)
- Inverted microscopes (Nikon Eclipse TE)
- Epifluorescence microscope (Nikon Eclipse 80i)
Flow cytometers:
- Flow cytometers (Becton Dickinson FacScalibur; Beckman CytoFLEX)
Plankton image analyzers:
- Flow image analyzer (FlowCAM)
- Flat scanner (ZooSCAN)
Radioisotope laboratory:
- Radioactive instalation (2nd class, non-encapsulated sources) approved by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN). Reference CSN: IRA-2189. Liquid scintillation counters (Perkin Elmer TriCarb)
Molecular biology laboratory:
- Termocyclers for PCRs and RT-PCR (BIO-RAD T-100, BIO-RAD MyiQ2)
- PCR-UV cabin (UVP)
- UV crosslinker (UVP CL-1000)
- Hybridization oven (Labnet ProBlot)
Nutrient analysis service:
- Segmented flow analyzer (Seal Analytics Quattro)
High purity deionized water:
- Water deionizers (Merck-Millipore Ellix y Milli-Q)
Other equipment:
- Spectrofluorimeter (Perkin Elmer LS50B)
- Total carbon and nitrogen analyzer (Shimadzu TOC-V)
- Precision scales (Mettler-Toledo, various models, precision: 0.002 – 10 mg)
- Gas chomatograph with FID detector (Shimadzu GC-2010)
- Ovens and muffle furnaces (Heraeus, SELECTA, Carbolite, various models)
- Refrigerated centrifuge (MPW 351R)
- Vacuum pumps (Millipore, GAST, Eyela)
- Laboratory glassware washer (Miele G7883)
- Fridges and freezers (various models)
- Ultrafreezer (New Brunswick U570)
- Gas extraction cabinets (LABOLAN IDL FLOW LAN)
- Criogenic containers (Air Liquide, various sizes: 1 – 35 L)
Computing and modelling facilities (external):
- access to the Galicia Supercomputing Center (CESGA)